The Rise and Fall of Charles de Mallery by KAREN L. BOWEN and DIRK IMHOF 3
The Publication of Caricatures in Paris in 1814 and 1815, Part I: The Established Printsellers, Genty and Martinet by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 31
Do What Mr Whistler Wants: How His Prints Should Be Framed, Part I: 1859–83 by KENNETH JOHN MYERS 52
Engineering Late Sixteenth-Century Rome by MARK MCDONALD 68
Christophe Plantin (c. 1520–89) and his Press by CAROLINE DUROSELLE-MELISH 70
Representing from Life in Seventeenth-Century Italy by MARK MCDONALD 73
Grotesque Heads in the Mariano Moret Collection by MARK MCDONALD 75
The Altzenbachs of Cologne: Seventeenth-Century Publishers of Popular Prints by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 76
Ceán Bermúdez’s Discurso by MARK MCDONALD 79
The World’s First Economic Bubble by DIANA GREENWALD 80
Illustrated Travels in Scotland by ANN V. GUNN 81
Food and Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain by MARCIA REED 84
The Wood-Engravings and Woodblocks of Thomas Bewick by NIGEL TATTERSFIELD 86
Ignacy Łopieński (1865–1941) and the Printmaking Revival in Poland by CELINA FOX 88
Graphic Art from Vilnius by WALDEMAR DELUGA 89
Publications Received 91
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Pietro Aretino (1492–1556) by MATTHIAS WIVEL 95
Goya’s Graphic Imagination by JANIS A. TOMLINSON 102
Prints and Poetry by Munio Makuuchi by JAMIE GABBARELLI 108
Jim Dine by PAUL COLDWELL 112
The Tree of the World: Llullian Thought in Franciscan Padua by ANNA WELCH 131
The Publication of Caricatures in France in 1814 and 1815
Part II: The Smaller Participants and Newcomers by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 141
Do What Mr Whistler Wants: How His Prints Should Be Framed
Part II: 1883–1904 by KENNETH JOHN MYERS 162
Munich’s Fifteenth-Century Prints by DAVID S. AREFORD 182
Pots, Prints and Politics: Ceramics with an Agenda, from the 14th to the 20th Century by MICHAEL SNODIN 185
Renaissance Children: Art and Education at the Habsburg Court (1480–1530) by AN VAN CAMP 188
Pierre Decker, Surgeon, and Collecting in Lausanne by JEAN MICHEL MASSING 189
The Young Rembrandt by ROBERT FUCCI 192
Johann Georg Edlinger by HANS JAKOB MEIER 194
John Dean (1801–30) – Engraver in Cheshire by DOMINIKA CORA 195
British Museum Collection Online Completed. 197
The ‘Twentieth Century on Paper’ in Milan’s Civic Collections by GIORGIO MARINI 197
Art Déco from Paris by RAINALD FRANZ 200
The Young Rhineland on the Occasion of its hundredth anniversary by ROBIN REISENFELD 203
Collecting Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) in North America by FRANCES CAREY 207
German Art 1900–26 at the Hunterian, University of Glasgow (The German Revolution: Expressionist Prints) by FRANCES CAREY 210
Kiki Smith, Lausanne (Kiki Smith, Hearing You with My Eyes) by PAUL COLDWELL 211
Mick Moon (b. 1937) by EMMA HILL 214
Obituary for Mel Gooding (1941–2021) by EMMA HILL 214
Correction 215
Publications Received 216
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Multiplied and Modified in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries by PETRA KAYSER 217
Dürer’s Journeys by BERNARD AIKEMA 221
Dutch and Flemish Flower Pieces by NADINE M. ORENSTEIN 226
Helen Frankenthaler: Radical Beauty by DANIEL STURGIS 230
A Poetic Prognostication by Giulio Campagnola and its Relationship to his Astrologer by IRENE BROOKE 251
Franz Anton Maulbertsch, Jakob Matthias Schmutzer and the Allegory on the Edict of Toleration, 1785 by TOMÁŠ VALEŠ 264
What is an Original Print? The Evolution of a Definition by DEBORA WOOD 274
Shorter Notices
Portraits of Baldassare Peruzzi: Prints before Drawings by JAMES GRANTHAM TURNER 286
Sébastien Leclerc’s Preparatory Drawing for the View of the Hall of Mirrors (1684):
A Reassessment by ANTOINE GALLAY 293
Early Northern Prints in the Uffizi by ARMIN KUNZ 299
Federico Barocci’s Annunciation to the Virgin by MARZIA FAIETTI 301
Women Artists in Early Modern Bologna by IRENE GRAZIANI 303
Battle Engravings for the Emperors of China by JEAN MICHEL MASSING 305
Thomas Gainsborough in London by ANNE LYLES 307
Utamaro and the Spectacle of Beauty by ADAM HALIBURTON 308
The Waterloo Map of Pierre-Jacques Goetghebuer by INGE MISSCHAERT 311
The Reception of Raphael (Raffael: Wirkung eines Genies) by F. CARLO SCHMID 315
The Fruitful Encounter Between Engraving and Photography (Contacts – Photographie – Gravure: Jeux et Enjeux) by FRANCESCA MARIA BONETTI 318
Pierre Gatier (1878–1944) by MARTIN HOPKINSON 322
Belgian and Netherlandish Printmaking in Early Twentieth-Century Italy by MARTIN HOPKINSON 322
Mary Cassatt in the Lunder Collection (Inside Out: The Prints of Mary Cassatt) by NIGEL IP 325
Private Lives in the Art of the Nabis by BELINDA THOMSON 327
Ambroise Vollard (1866–1939), Henri Marie Petiet (1894–1980) and Printmaking in France (Edition limitée: Vollard, Petiet et l’estampe de maîtres) by FLEUR ROOS ROSA DE CARVALHO 331
German World War I Print Cycles (Mich schaudert dieses Krieges: Die graphischen Zyklen zum Ersten Weltkrieg) by JÜRGEN DÖRING 333
Collecting Prints, Posters and Ephemera by NAOKO TAKAHATAKE 338
Galleria del Cavallino by MARTIN HOPKINSON 339
Ponirin Amin’s On Your Lonely Stage and Printmaking in Malaysia by SAFRIZAL SHAHIR 341
Obituary for Pat Gilmour (1931–2021) by STEPHEN COPPEL 343
Obituary for Hubert Prouté (1922–2022) by ALAN N. STONE 345
Correction and Addendum 346
Publications Received 346
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Albrecht Altdorfer Innovation (Albrecht Altdorfer: Maître de la Renaissance allemande) by SUZANNE KARR SCHMIDT 347
The De Jode Dynasty by JEROEN LUYCKX 350
You Can Be Sure of Shell (Shell Art & Advertising) by TERI J. EDELSTEIN 357
Sol LeWitt (Strict Beauty: Sol LeWitt Prints) by ANDREW BICK 359
The Sadelers: From Printmakers to Booksellers by KAREN L. BOWEN 379
The 1604 Služebnik from Stratyn, Ukraine, and its Afterlife by AGNIESZKA GRONEK 396
Some Italian Importers of British Prints in the 1780s by ANTONY GRIFFITHS and GIORGIO MARINI 412
The Society of Artist Printers / Printmakers, 1922–47 by MARTIN HOPKINSON 423
Special Collections in Augsburg (Sole Survivors & Rare Editions – Unikale, Seltene und Illuminierte Inkunabeln der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg) by PAUL SCHWEITZER-MARTIN 436
The True Identity of Heinrich Aldegrever’s Judith and her Origins by ANDREW S. WINSTON 438
Parmigianino’s ‘Almost Unique’ Judith by BERNARD BARRYTE 440
Georgette de Montenay’s Emblemes, ou Devises Chrestiennes (Un ‘miroir’ calviniste: ‘Les Emblemes, ou Devises chrestiennes’ de Georgette de Montenay et Pierre Woeiriot, 1567/1571) by ALICJA BIELAK 441
Piranesi and Spain (Giovanni Battista Piranesi en la Biblioteca Nacional de España) by GIORGIO MARINI 444
The Print Collection of Horace His de La Salle (1795–1878) by LAURENCE LHINARES 446
Tate Collection: Three Hundred Years of Printmaking (The Art of Print) by PAUL COLDWELL 450
Celebrating Budapest’s Drawings and Prints (The Paper Side of Art) by RACHEL SLOAN 451
Contemporary Print Series (Serien: Druckgraphik von Warhol bis Wool / Series: Prints from Warhol to Wool) by JUDITH BRODIE 452
Publications Received 455
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Sculpture in Print, 1480–1600 by JORIS VAN GASTEL 456
Agostino Carracci and Hendrick Goltzius (Crossing Parallels) by MARZIA FAIETTI 461
Aquatint: From Its Origins to Goya by ANNE LEONARD 466
Expressionism and Poster Design in Germany by CHRISTIAN WEIKOP 471
Jasper Johns: Mind/Mirror by JOHN A. TYSON 475
Australian Artists, 1942–2020 (Printed Images by Australian Artists 1942–2020) by IRENA ZDANOWICZ 481