Francesco Rosselli and Berlinghieri’s Geographia re-examined by SEAN ROBERTS 4
Raphael Morghen and Paris, by CAMILLA MURGIA 18
Ad Reinhardt: Visual Perception and the Screenprint Portfolios by ELIZABETH REEDE 34
A New Print by Nicoletto da Modena by GIULIO GIRONDI and MATTEO CRESPI 44
A Subject of the Small Landscapes Series identified by ERIK P. LOFFLER 46
An Unrealized Project by the Sadelers after Hans von Aachen by JOACHIM JACOBY 50
Arthur Hughes in the Dalziel Archive by MAROUSSIA OAKLEY 53
Collecting Prints after Adam Elsheimer by JOACHIM JACOBY 56
Earliest Dutch Etching Manual by NADINE M. ORENSTEIN 56
Two Italian Online Resources by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 57
Frontispieces by JEAN MICHEL MASSING 57
Illustrated Travel Accounts by JEAN MICHEL MASSING 59
Jean Georges Wille by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 60
Corot in Switzerland by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 61
Prints in Gaillac and Lisle-Sur Tarn by MARTIN HOPKINSON 61
Winslow Homer Illustrations by JUDITH BRODIE 62
Nineteenth-Century American Prints by JUDITH BRODIE 63
Guido Colucci by MARTIN HOPKINSON 65
Cambellotti’s Circle by ROBERTA CREMONCINI 65
Jean Delpech by MARTIN HOPKINSON 66
Warrington Colescott by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 69
Dublin’s Graphic Studio by MARTIN HOPKINSON 69
Guido Strazza by MARTIN HOPKINSON 70
Caldic Collection by CHRISTIAN RÜMELIN 72
Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden by CHRISTIAN RÜMELIN 72
Copyright by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 73
Institutional Collecting by WILLIAM COLE 74
British Museum World History by RHODA EITEL-PORTER 76
Obituary David Pillsbury Becker by CLIFFORD S. ACKLEY 77
Obituary Ruth Bromberg by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 79
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Daniel Hopfer by MITCHELL MERBACK 80
Jan Gossaert by LARRY SILVER 83
Athanasius Kircher by IRINA ORYSHKEVICH 86
The Illustrated Catalogue as a New Genre by INGRID R. VERMEULEN 90
Between Invention and Reproduction by ECKHARD LEUSCHNER 92
British Railway Posters by MARTIN HOPKINSON 98
The History of Prints as Propaganda by DAVID KUNZLE 103
Number 2
The Dispersal of Lafreri’s Inheritance 1581–89 – III: The De’ Nobili-Arbotti-Clodio Partnership by VALERIA PAGANI 119
Ippolito Leoni’s 1636 Portrait of Ottavio Leoni: A Unique Counterproof and Question of Authorship by MATHEW NORMAN 136
The Cartographic Origins of Adam Frans van der Meulen’s Marly Cycle by ROBERT WELLINGTON 142
Napoleon on St Helena: Altered Plates by MARIANNE A. YULE 155
Two remarkable Catalan illustrated books of the 1930s: Història d’una pera and Llibre de les flors, by WILLIAM COLE 162
The Goddess Fortune by MICHAEL BURY 166
One Shoe Off and One Shoe On by RHODA EITEL-PORTER 166
Response to a Query by RHODA EITEL-PORTER 167
Friedrich Bernhard Werner by JOHN ROGER PAAS 167
Guckkastenbilder by RALPH HYDE 168
Chinese Prints by ELLIS TINIOS 171
Ukiyo-e by CHRISTINE GUTH 172
Horace Walpole by LUCY PELTZ 174
Delaroche by DONATO ESPOSITO 176
Bracquemond on Light by ROBERT H. GETSCHER 178
Wallpaper in Switzerland by GILL SAUNDERS 178
Vallotton by CORA MICHAEL 180
Walter Bonner Gash by MARTIN HOPKINSON 181
Gromaire’s Nudes by MARTIN HOPKINSON 182
Fausto Melotti by MARTIN HOPKINSON 182
Giulia Napoleone by MARTIN HOPKINSON 183
Wolfgang Gäfgen by MARTIN HOPKINSON 184
Stanley Jones by LINDSEY SHAW-MILLER 187
Hilary Paynter by MARTIN HOPKINSON 188
Albert Irvin by MARTIN HOPKINSON 189
David Lynch by PAUL COLDWELL 190
Damien Hirst by PAUL COLDWELL 191
Contemporary Printmaking by PATRICK ELLIOTT 192
International Printmaking beyond the Edge by JUDITH BRODIE 194
Obituary Phyllis Dearborn Massar by NADINE M. ORENSTEIN 194
Tessa Sidey by MARTIN HOPKINSON 195
Catalogue and Book Reviews
The Viewer in Late Medieval Europe by MALCOLM JONES 196
Early Modern English Prints by MARGARET ASTON 197
Jacques Androuet du Cerceau by DEBORAH HOWARD 200
Wilhelm Friedrich Gmelin by F. CARLO SCHMID 203
Prints and Privacy in the Late Nineteenth Century (The Darker Side of Light) by CHRISTIAN RUMELIN 205
Voysey Bookplates by MARTIN HOPKINSON 209
Natalia Goncharova by GALINA MARDILOVICH 211
Picasso looks at Degas by SAMANTHA RIPPNER 213
Tatyana Grosman by MARILYN SYMMES 217
Alex Katz by DAVID COHEN 220
Number 3
Tabula Gratulatoria 235
Introduction by DAVID LANDAU 239
An Addition to the Oeuvre of Wenzel von Olmütz by CHRISTOPHER MENDEZ 241
An Early Forgery of the Buxheim St Christopher, by SZILVIA BODNAR 242
A Little Gift from an Old Friend: Dürer’s drawings by Fra Giocondo by ARNOLD NESSELRATH 244
Jan Gossaert’s Mocking of Christ: A Reversal of States by NADINE M. ORENSTEIN 249
Niccolò Vicentino’s Miraculous Draught of Fishes, by NAOKO TAKAHATAKE 256
Michelangelo at Fontainebleau by CATHERINE JENKINS 261
Béatrizet’s Last Judgement, after Michelangelo, in the Courtauld gallery by MICHAEL BURY and KATHARINE LOCKETT 266
A New State by Goltzius, with Imperial Implications by MARJORIE B. COHN 272
Rome 1610: Guido Reni after Annibale Carracci by MARZIA FAIETTI 276
An Unrecorded English Broadside Ballad of 1626 in Ceský Šternberk by DAVID PAISEY 282
Cesare Bassano’s 1635 Siege of Valenza, by MARK MCDONALD 288
Cardinal Francesco Barberini and the Specula Principum Tradition by KETTY GOTTARDO 293
‘Washing the Ass’s Head’: Proverbial and Allegorical Prints by JEAN MICHEL MASSING 298
Robert Vaughan and Monumental Brasses by SIMON TURNER 305
Some Observations on Rembrandt’s Bathers, by MARTIN ROYALTON-KISCH 310
A Rare Survivor: François Langot’s Christ Crowned with Thorns, by DAVID MASKILL 314
Jean Lepautre’s Forgotten Seven Cannons, by MAXIME PREAUD 318
A Mauro Gandolfi Print Study Lost and Found by HUGO CHAPMAN 321
Remarks on Giambattista Tiepolo’s Scherzi, by CHRISTIAN RUMELIN 322
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo: The Pastiche as Capriccio by PETER PARSHALL 327
William Pennock – Retrieving an Early Eighteenth-Century Print Publisher by MALCOLM JONES 331
Satirical Prints by Jefferyes Hamett O’Neale by SHEILA O’CONNELL and ROSEMARY BAKER 338
Number 4
Tabula Gratulatoria 363
Introduction by DAVID LANDAU 367
Jean-Baptiste Glomy’s Etched Borders for Drawings and Prints by PETER FUHRING 369
The Print Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds by DONATO ESPOSITO 376
Raphael Morghen’s Inventory of the ‘Calcografia Volpato’ by GIORGIO MARINI 382
Some Thoughts on Flaxman and the Engraved Outlines by DEANNA PETHERBRIDGE 385
Frog to Apollo: A French Print after Lavater and Pre-Darwinian Theories of Evolution by DAVID BINDMAN 392
Enlightened Friendship by FRANCES CAREY 396
‘Good Morning Gentlemen, What Are We Up To?’ by GER LUIJTEN 401
Alexander Cozens and Amateurs Drawn to Etch by KIM SLOAN 405
James Hughes Anderdon’s Collectanea Biographica: An Extraordinary Collection in the Keeper’s Office by AN VAN CAMP 410
Documents on Godefroy Engelmann’s Chromolithographie, by TANYA SZRAJBER 414
Antoine-Augustin Renouard’s Collection of Affiches de Librairie, by CHRIS MICHAELIDES 418
Five Lithographic Stones for Manet in 1873 by JULIET WILSON-BAREAU 425
Degas and Hiroshige by TOM RASSIEUR 429
Reflections on Gauguin’s Woodcut Soyez Amoureuses, by RICHARD S. FIELD 432
The Book and Print Collector Hans Fürstenberg by PAUL R. QUARRIE 435
A Hoytema Archive in Boston by CLIFFORD S. ACKLEY 439
Boom and Bust: Notes on the Inter-war British Print bubble by CELINA FOX 444
Two Bookplates by Joseph Hecht by MARTIN HOPKINSON 448
Patriotic Hellenism: A Poster for the 1948 London Olympics by IAN JENKINS 451
Hercules Segers Influence on Post-World War II Netherlandish Printmakers by JAN PIET FILEDT KOK 456
An Unknown Lithograph from Philip Guston’s Late Work by MICHAEL SEMFF 462
Disguising Dürer’s Line and Other Print Transformations by Carl Fudge by MARILYN SYMMES 464
‘Geography with a Purpose’: Bea Maddock’s Terra Spiritus, by IRENA ZDANOWICZ 471