The Fauve Woodcut by STEPHEN COPPEL 3
Carborundum Mezzotint and Carbordundum Etching by CINDY MEDLEY-BUCKNER 34
Marcantonio as Book illustrator by SILVIA URBINI 50
This horryble monster: An Anglo-German Broadside of 1531by SHEILA O’CONNELL and DAVID PAISLEY 57
Notes 64
Rembrandt’s Watermarks by MARTIN ROYALTON-KISCH 78
William Henry Pyne by DAVID ALEXANDER 79
Géricault by PAUL JOANNIDES 81
The Lithographs of Whistler by MARTIN HOPKINSON 83
British Prints in Ottawa by SARAH HYDE 89
From Goya to Picasso by HELENA BATLLE I ARGIMON 91
Poster Power by CELINA FOX 95
John J. A. Murphy and Cecil Buller by PATRICIA AINSLIE 96
William Gropper by REBA WHITE WILLIAMS 98
Prints at the Tate by PAT GILMOUR 100
William Holland’s Satirical Print Catalogues 1788-94 by SIMON TURNER 127
with an appendix: The Identifcation of Prints in Holland’s 1794 Catalogue by DAVID ALEXANDER 136
Prints on the American Frontier by RAYMOND L. WILSON 139
Fifteenth-century Prints in Czech Collections by WALDEMAR DELUGA 148
More on Large Noses by DANIEL HORST 158
The Prints of J. D. Fergusson by MARTIN HOPKINSON 163
Notes 167
Stefano della Bella by PHYLLIS DEARBORN MASSAR 179
The Print in Stuart Britian by DAVID McKITTERICK 181
John Bell’s Theatrical Portraits by DAVID ALEXANDER 183
Angels and Urchins by ANTHONY MOULD 186
Spanish Printmaking by MARK P. MCDONALD 188
Adirondack Prints by REBA WHITE WILLIAMS 191
Israeli and Palestinian Political Posters by DAVID CROWLEY 193
A Handbook of English Printmaking? by PAT GILMOUR 195
The Horn of Suretyship by MALDOLM JONES 219
Graphic Art in Poland, 1890-1914 by IRENA KOSSOWSKA 229
California, Scotkland and Paris: The Prints of Leslie Hunter by MARTIN HOPKINSON 247
The Massacre of the Innocents after Francesco Salviati by SUZANNE BOORSCH 266
Notes 273
Cornelis Floris by PETER FUHRING 283
The Illustrated Bartsch: The Carracis by D. STEPHEN PEPPER 290
Prints and Musketeers by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 296
The English Print in the Eighteenth-century by RICHARD GODFREY 298
Delacroix by JANE MUNRO 299
World War II Posters in the United Statesby by ANGELA WEIGHT 302
Julian Trevelyan’s Prints by PETER BLACK 304
The Preparation for the Sabbath by Jacques de Gheyn II: the Issue of Inversion by CLAUDIA SWAN 327
Nathaniel Spark’s Printing of Whistler’s Etchings by MARTIN HOPKINSON 340
Buenos Vecinos: African-American Printmaking and the Taller de Gráfica Popular by ALISON CAMERON 353
Marcantonio and Raphael by LISA PON 368
Notes 370
Early Italian Prints in Zurich by THOMAS E. RASSIEUR 392
Printmaking in Antwerp by PETER PARSHALL 395
Italian Ornament Prints by MICHAEL BURY 396
Weirotter by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 399
Thomas Allom by RALPH HYDE 400
Notre-Dame by MICHELE HANNOOSH 403
Anselm Kiefer by JAMES HYMAN 404