The Gentle Art of Marketing Whistler Prints by KATHARINE A. LOCHNAN 3
Whistler and the English Print Market by MARTHA TEDESCHI 15
Anselm Kiefer as Printmaker – I: A Catalogue, 1973-1993 by JAMES HYMAN 42
A Re-evaluation of Two Mantegna Prints by SHELLEY FLETCHER 67
The Source for Vasari’s Portrait of Morto da Feltre by DAVID FRANKLIN 78
Notes 81
Stefano della Bella by PHYLLIS D. MASSAR 99
The Spirit of Montmartre by CAROLINE TURNER 101
Popular Imagery at the Bertarelli by DAVID KUNZLE 103
The Crown Point Press by DAVID CARRIER 105
Wierix and Plantin : A Question of Originals and Copies by KAREN LEE BOWEN 131
Prints in the United States, 1900-1918 by REBA WHITE WILLIAMS 151
De Passe and Early English Natural History Printmaking by ROBERT A. GERARD 174
Three Lithographs by Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret by DOMINIQUE H. VASSEUR 179
Notes 186
Masterpeices at Wolfegg by MICHAEL MATILE 203
Cruikshank by JOHN WARDROPER 205
The Liber Studiorum by ANTHONY DYSON 206
Images d’Epinal, by JEAN MICHEL MASSING 208
Late Picasso by PAT GILMOUR 211
Holloway by TESSA SIDEY 216
Hogarth’s Industry and Idleness Reconsidered by BARRY WIND 235
East Coast, West Coast: Tamarind Lithography Workshop and the American Print Establishment by CLINTON ADAMS 252
Drawings after Prints by Stefano della Bella by PHYLLIS D. MASSAR 283
New Documents on Early Lithography by TANYA SZRAJBER 289
The Vector-based Etchings of Paul Coldwell by GEORGE WHALE 303
Notes 307
Hendrick Hondius by SUSAN DACKERMAN 322
Hogarth in Context by PETER WAGNER 324
A Dictionary of Nineteenth-century Illustrators by PAUL GOLDMAN 326
Jules de Bruycker by MANFRED SELLINK 327
Surrealist Prints by FIONA BRADLEY 330
Bartolini by FLAVIA PESCI 332
The Société des Peintres-Graveurs Français in 1889-97 by LINDSAY LEARD 355
The Devenish Brothers by TESSA SIDEY 364
Views of the Sinai from Leopolis by WALDEMAR DELUGA 381
Hanging Picasso by PAT GILMOUR 394
Notes 402
Maps in the Italian Renaissance by MICHAEL BURY 421
Prints in the French Renaissance by PAULETTE CHONÉ 423
Genre Prints in the Netherlands by HARRY MOUNT 425
William Hone by MARCUS WOOD 427
Art and Anatomy by LUDMILLA JORDANOVA 430
Landmarks in Print Collecting by JAN VAN DER WAALS 432
Graphic Design since 1800 by JEREMY AYNSLEY 437
The Print in the Western World by TIMOTHY RIGGS 438