An Album of Print c. 1560 in the British Library by ANTONY GRIFFITHS and ANNE PUETZ 3
Prints for a Monastery in Kiev by WALDEMAR DELUGA 10
The Sites of Whistler’s Venice Etchings by ALASTAIR GRIEVE 20
Theo Tremblay and Aboriginal Prints by MICHAEL DENHOLM 39
Captain Baillie and ‘The Hundred Guilder Print’ by NICHOLAS STOGDON 53
Notes 57
Ephemeral Architecture by JAMES STEVENS CURL 69
Almanachs under Louis XIV by JENNIFER MONTAGU 71
Francesco Londonio by ROBERTA J. M. OLSON 73
Nolde by JILL LLOYD 77
Louise Borgeois by HILARIE FABERMAN 79
Contemporary British Art in Print by FRANCES CAREY 82
Beatrizet and the ‘Reproduction’ of Antique Relief Sculpture by MICHAEL BURY 111
A Booklet of Etchings by Guiseppe Caletti by VALERIA BARBONI and ENRICO CORTONA 127
The Marketing of Gilt Leather in Seventeenth-century Holland by ELOY KOLDEWEIJ 136
Prints from Goluchów Rediscovered by NICHOLAS STOGDON 149
Notes 181
German Renaissance Prints by PETER PARSHALL 197
Aldegrever by STEPHEN GODDARD 201
La Bella Maniera by SUZANNE BOORSCH 204
Prints and Wedgwood by RALPH HYDE 208
Van Gogh by MARTIN BAILEY 211
Linocuts of the Machine Age by PATRICIA AINSLIE 213
Guercino and Pasqualini’s Working Proofs by NICHOLAS TURNER 239
Hogarth and the Comic Muse by RUTHAN MCNAMARA 251
The Influence of Picasso on American Printmakers by REBA and DAVE WILLIAMS 259
A Note on Ribera as an Engraver by GABRIELE FINALDI 287
The Prints of the Calcografia Camerale at the Biblioteca Casanatense by VALERIA PAGANI 291
Notes 305
The Master E.S. by HOLM BEVERS 316
The Baur Collection by TIMOTHY CLARK 323
The Prime Ministers by ALAN FERN 325
Paper Soldiers by TIM CLAYTON 327
Picturesque America by SALLY PIERCE 328
Representing America by REBA WHITE WILLIAMS 331
Martin Lewis by ANTONY GRIFFITHS 333
Printmaking in America by PAT GILMOUR 334
Wounteel, de Passe and the Anglo-Netherlands Print Trade by ROBERT A. GERARD 363
The Great Depression and the Prints of Blanche Grambs by JAMES WECHSLER 376
Notes on Giulio Campagnola’s Prints by PAUL HOLBERTON 397
Lorenzo Tiepolo’s St Charles Borromeo Venerating the Crucifix, by SUZANNE BOORSCH 401
Toulouse-Lautrec’s Two Stamps by STANFORD L. OPTNER 411
Diego Rivera’s The Communicating Vessels by STARR FIGURA 413
Notes 415
Self-portraiture in the German Renaissance by CHARLES TALBOT 421
Graven Images by CHRISTOPHER WHITE 422
The Post-Pre-Raphaelite Print by ROBIN DE BEAUMONT 426
Whistler by ALASTAIR GRIEVE 429
Reading Iconotexts by THOMAS GRETTON 430
The Anatomy of Colour by JOHN GAGE 431