Number 1
‘An Extreme Cunning Fellow’: Copley’s Memorial Engraving to the 2nd Earl of Bessborough by rachel finnegan 3
Whistler Etchings: New Observations by meg hausberg 11
Woodcut in Motion: Time in the Prints of Christiane Baumgartner by jasper kettner 21
Nuremberg Master Goldsmiths’ Applications in Print, 1614-1786 by ilse o’dell 38
The Earliest Engraving? by peter parshall 42
A Roman Fresco, Giulio Romano and two Prints by stefano peirguidi 43
Rembrandt’s Birthday by christian rümelin 45
William Henry Toms 45
Valentine Green’s Mezzotint after Wright of Derby by martin hopkinson 45
Heinrich Theodor Wehle by christian rümelin 46
Carrière by martin hopkinson 49
The McNairs by martin hopkinson 51
James Pryde by martin hopkinson 51
Charles Shannon by martin hopkinson 53
Luigi Russolo by martin hopkinson 53
Léon Spilliaert by martin hopkinson 55
Brockhurst by martin hopkinson 55
The Rupf Collection by martin hopkinson 56
François Lunven by martin hopkinson 57
The Stamperia D’Arte Albicocco by martin hopkinson 57
Arnaldo Pomodoro by martin hopkinson 58
Printmakers in the Age of Anxiety by christian rümelin 59
Prints at the ETH by christian rümelin 59
The University of Kent by martin hopkinson 60
Some Publications Received by antony griffiths 60
A New Method for Dating Prints by christian rümelin 61
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Tempesta by gert jan van der sman 62
Piranesi by robin middleton 65
James Barry by martin myrone 68
Prints of the American West by ralph hyde 73
Thomas Moran by andrew wilton 78
The Pennsylvania German Broadside by john roger paas 79
Contemporary Printmaking by tessa sidey 81
Creative Restoration of Prints by adrian eeles 83
Number 2
The Print Market in Liverpool in the Late Eighteenth Century by martin hopkinson 107
Byzantine Art in Kiev in the Chromolithographs of Lemercier by waldemar deluga 115
The Early Career of Grace Albee by christina moisant weyl 126
Nicoletto da Modena and Giovanni Larciani by louis a. waldman 141
Guercino’s First Idea for his Etching of St Antony of Padua by nicholas turner 145
Sixteenth-Century Images by michael bury 149
Lambert Lombard by larry silver 149
The Elkind Collection 151
Art and Alchemy in the Renaissance by margaret m. mcgowan 151
Another Goltzius Plaque by antony griffiths 152
Jean Morin by rosemary miles 153
A German Drawing after an English Print by c. a. lennox-boyd 153
Inigo Jones by antony griffiths 154
Hogarth as Musical Satirist by sheila o’connell 154
Bennett’s Madness by antony griffiths 155
Freemasonry by james stevens curi 155
The Magic Flute by james stevens curi 157
The Bath Chronicle by martin hopkinson 158
George Cuitt Appeal by peter boughton 158
Illustrating the Ancient Mariner by paul goldman 158
Modern Life in Paris by martin hopkinson 159
Whistler Lithographs at Davis by martin hopkinson 160
Duilio Cambellotti by martin hopkinson 160
Paul Cassirer by christian rümelin 161
Brangwyn’s first Etchings by martin hopkinson 162
Printmaking in Maine by jerzy kierkuc-bielinski 162
Agnes Miller Parker by ian lowe 163
Matisse as Printmaker by christian rümelin 164
Albers and Moholy-Nagy by christian rümelin 165
Picasso and Graphic Design by jürgen döring 165
Warhol by christian rümelin 166
Two American Printmakers by antony griffiths 167
The Society of Wood-Engravers by martin hopkinson 167
Umberto Mastroianni by martin hopkinson 167
The Premio di Forni by martin hopkinson 168
Richard Hamilton by antony griffiths 168
Wolf Vostell by christian rümelin 169
Franz Gertsch by christian rümelin 170
Gonzalo Páramo by martin hopkinson 172
The Browns Collection by antony griffiths 172
Dole’s Print Collection by martin hopkinson 173
The Kenneth Tyler Collection in Canberra by martin hopkinson 174
Visions du Déluge by antony griffiths 174
Pictures within Pictures by antony griffiths 174
Feuille a Feuille by carol blackett-ord 175
Luigi Majno by antony griffiths 175
Correction 175
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Prints and the Commedia dell’Arte by marc bayard 176
Early Modern Etchers by sue welsh reed 177
Rembrandt as Etcher by peter van der coelen 181
De Laborde’s Voyage . . . de l’Espagne by tanya szrajber 186
Willumsen by allison morehead 188
Wearing Propaganda by lesley jackson 192
Women American Artists by reba white williams 194
Lucio Fontana by martin hopkinson 200
Che Guevara by david kunzle 203
Emblemata by simon mckeown 206
Number 3
Antonfrancesco Doni’s Medaglie by wendy thompson 223
The Progeny of Prince James: Sources and States by david carnegie and david gunby 238
A New State for Dürer’s St Jerome by the Pollard Willow by maurizio michelozzi 254
The Burdett–Banks Correspondence by martin hopkinson 269
Introductions to Constable’s English Landscape by felicity myrone 273
Holbein by mark evans 277
Leda Among the Modi? by james grantham turner 279
Artists and Armour by alan borg 281
Three Prints by Enea Vico by phyllis dearborn massar 281
Rembrandt’s New Testament Prints by christopher brown 282
Salviati’s Phallic Triumph by martin hopkinson 284
Franz Buffa & Zonen by martin hopkinson 286
Johann Adam Klein by charles booth-clibborn and florian simm 286
Dalziel’s Bible Gallery by martin hopkinson 288
Nineteenth-Century Engravings by martin hopkinson 289
Painting the Bible by donato esposito 290
De Nittis and Tissot by donato esposito 290
Fondo Vittore Grubicy by martin hopkinson 291
Whistler’s Etchings by margaret macdonald 291
Whistlers and Russia by martin hopkinson 292
Rops and Kubin by martin hopkinson 293
Akseli Gallen-Kallela by martin hopkinson 294
Three American Women Etchers of the Etching Revival by martin hopkinson 295
Jan Mankes by martin hopkinson 296
Giannetto Malmerendi by martin hopkinson 297
Early Twentieth-Century Colour Woodcuts by martin hopkinson 297
German Lithography by christian rümelin 299
Utopia and Revolt by aya soika 300
Italian Orientalist Prints by martin hopkinson 300
Marius Bauer by reba white williams 302
Zoran Music by martin hopkinson 303
Domela by martin hopkinson 303
Galeria Cadaqués by martin hopkinson 304
Rudolf Jahns by christian rümelin 305
Soto by martin hopkinson 305
Elizabeth Catlett by reba white williams 306
The Win Koops Collection by martin hopkinson 306
Norman Lindsay by martin hopkinson 306
Kikie Crêvecoeur by martin hopkinson 308
Jasper Johns by ruth fine 308
Gerald Laing by tessa sidey 310
Matthias Mansen by christian rümelin 312
Europe and America by christian rümelin 313
The Jack May Collection by martin hopkinson 315
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Israhel van Meckenem by nicholas stogdon 316
Pillement by peter fuhring 318
Thomas Bewick by colin campbell 319
The Art of the Japanese Book by julie nelson davis 322
Mexican Prints by reba white williams 324
School Prints by martin hopkinson 331
Peter Blum by christian rümelin 3333
Avigdor Arikha by glenn sujo 336
Number 4
Caraglio’s Loves of the Gods by james grantham turner 359
King’s Letter Prints and Paper Crowns by anke a. van wagenberg-ter hoeven 380
The Woodcuts of Matthias Mansen by christian rümelin 400
Enea Vico’s Portrait of Giovanni dalle Bande Nere by wendy thompson 422
A Print by Francis Hayman Rediscovered by felicity myrone 426
A Late Gothic Altarpiece from Gdańsk by aleksandra koutny-jones 428
Cherubino Alberti, Lelio Orsi and Cornelis Cort by peter parshall and naoko takahatake 430
Swanevelt by susan russell 431
Maria Katharina Prestel by christian rümelin 432
Art Historiography in the Eigthteenth Century by christian rümelin 432
Dighton by simon turner 433
Print Sources on the Internet by chloe evans 434
The Coast in Nineteenth-Century Britain by martin hopkinson 435
Jules Michelin by martin hopkinson 436
Print Collections in Bremen by christian rümelin 437
George Bellows by john fagg 438
Roberto Melli by martin hopkinson 439
Daragnès by martin hopkinson 440
Fine Prints of the Year by martin hopkinson 442
T. František Šimon by martin hopkinson 442
Max Beckmann in Amsterdam by aya soika 442
D’après les maîtres by camilla murgia 443
Chagall and Tériade by valerie holman 444
Sculptor Printmakers by martin hopkinson 445
Jacques Le Chevallier by martin hopkinson 446
Lucio Fontana by martin hopkinson 447
Joseph Beuys by christian rümelin 449
Ralph Hotere by martin hopkinson 451
Ian McCulloch by martin hopkinson 452
Auerbach in Cambridge by christian rümelin 452
Coldwell and Kafka by stephen bury 453
Correction 454
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Italian Prints by marzia faietti 455
The Paragon Press by tessa sidey 460